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Learning often happens in classrooms but it doesn’t have to. Register with Kabboumb Academy to explore and learn from leading industry experts; no matter the context, anytime and anywhere. Get education right;  Get all else right and tight.  Kabboumb Academy,  bridging Africa’s knowledge and skills gap through innovation and digitalization. Founder and CEO, A. Bojang

Explore Courses

Learning often happens in classrooms but it doesn’t have to. Register with Kabboumb Academy to explore and learn from leading industry experts; no matter the context, anytime and anywhere. Get education right;  Get all else right and tight.  Kabboumb Academy,  bridging Africa’s knowledge and skills gap through innovation and digitalization. Founder and CEO, A. Bojang

Why Choose Kabboumb Academy?

Accessible: People can learn from anywhere, anytime, making education accessible to all.

Interactive: The e-learning platform offers engaging and interactive learning experiences.

Customized: Learning can be customized to meet the needs and interests of individual learners.

Cost-effective: The e-learning platform is a cost-effective way to deliver high-quality education.

Prison Education & Training Initiative (PETI)

Kabboumb Academy Prison Education and Training Initiative (PETI) for prisoner up-skilling and/or re-skilling for sustainable re-integration is premised on the strong believe that everyone deserves a second chance in life. Educating prisoners do not only reduce crime rate but improves employment and saves money spent by government and others on prisons and prisoners. The Prison Education and Training Initiative (PETI) seeks to provide prisoners with the opportunity to learn new skills and give them a renewed sense of purpose and commitment towards life and nation building.

The PETI works through stakeholders, partners and/or donor interventions. Kabboumb Academy lobbies and partners with government, other private organizations and authorities of correctional facilities- incarceration centers to build education and training centers within correctional facilities and equip these centers with libraries, classrooms and Volunteer Education and Training coordinators. These coordinators help receive and manage volunteer teachers who shall periodically visit these centers to physically train and assess the prisoners on the PETI program. These trained PETI volunteers will give the necessary guided teaching; vocational or academic to the inmates while the inmates utilize the libraries and training labs during there leisure times to research and do assignments to be reviewed by the visiting volunteer teachers through their volunteer Education and Training coordinators. These assignments and other assessments are recorded, reviewed and graded for certification by the academy upon course completion.

Why Kabboumb Academy is the Best Place to Learn Online

Kabboumb Academy is a flexible and engaging online learning platform that offers a wide range of courses in various fields. You can learn at your own pace from anywhere in the world and benefit from personalized support from our expert instructors and student success coaches. Our courses are constantly updated and designed to help you achieve your career goals. Join the thousands of learners who have already benefited from Kabboumb Academy’s online courses and start your journey towards success today!


See what our brilliant learners have to say

Kabboumb Academy has been exactly what I longed for many years back. Today, I am a certified Dental Technician. The course content is engaging, easy to understand and practical. I recommend Kabboumb Academy to all.

Haddy Cham
Diploma in Dental Technology
This is a great e-platform . Now, I fully understand medical prescriptions and it has helped me improve on my family and personal medicine safety guard. The tutor support is efficient and fast. This is a life-changing course for everyone.
J. Bah
Diploma in Medical Prescription and Medication Safety Essentials
Kabboumb Academy is a barrier breaker and leading a tremendous fight of up-skilling and re-skilling all. There courses are up to date, have leading industry experts coaching and practically industry relevant. I will certainly recommend the Kabboumb Academy courses to anyone.
A. Camara
Diploma in Product Management

Industry Partners & Publishers

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